It has been some time since my last post and I have lots to catch up on.... First off... we have rented our 2 bedroom 1 bathroom home and have moved into a 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment. It took a lot of time to make this move, but we could not be happier. I am closer to work, my husband is going against traffic so he could not be happier and we have simplified our lives by minimizing house work. Here are a few pictures from the first day we moved in (Please pardon the
quality, these were taken on my phone)... Kitchen

Living Room / Dining Room


Our View from the balcony, kitchen and master bedroom

Master bedroom


Nursery bathroom

Yup... You read correctly, Nursery. Please let me introduce our precious baby boy...

Baby R 8 pounds 7 ounces 20 inches of love.
This week I will reveal his nursery and other updates, I am very excited to get back into updating the blog. Thank you for being patient with me :)